The Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) has delivered the next generation general circulation model, GEOS-5. This system represents a new paradigm for systems development, in that GEOS-5 has been developed with the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) for its internal architecture using the MAPL software toolkit developed for GEOS-5.
GEOS-5 Modeling Software Goals
The Earth science community is in the process of collaborating on the creation of Earth System models that allow diverse scientific disciplines to couple new components with key models. The NASA/HQ Modeling, Analysis and Prediction (MAP) program has funded GMAO to develop and integrate model components as the NASA Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) version 5 General Circulation Model (present and future versions and extensions), enabling the science community to collaborate across disciplines. The GEOS-5 System with the MAPL software library enables fully interactive components: coupling ocean, atmosphere, land, sea-ice, chemistry, biosphere and their associated data assimilation systems to support a diverse array of scientific investigations. The GEOS-5 DAS, a future extension of GEOS-5, integrates the GEOS-5 AGCM with the Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) atmospheric analysis developed jointly with NOAA/NCEP/EMC.
Project Goals
The GEOS-5 systems are being developed in the GMAO to support NASA's earth science research in data analysis, observing system modeling and design, climate and weather prediction, and basic research. The model is developed in tandem with the assimilation system. Many applications of climate variability and change science are local and involve impacts on weather extremes and short-term climate variability. To make best use of the information afforded by satellite observations, as well as to address climate research issues, requires weather-capable climate models and climate-reliable weather models. GEOS-5 can be used in the following configurations; Stand-alone Atmosphere and Land, Stand-alone Ocean, Coupled CGM, Coupled Chemistry-Climate,Ocean Biology, Single Column Model, Numerical Weather Prediction, Experimental Seasonal Forecasting.
Functional Goals
The functional goals of GEOS-5 include advancing the state of the art of weather and climate modeling by componentizing global modeling software. GEOS-5 will permit the experimental coupling of interdisciplinary components, provided by multiple collaborating organizations. Outside collaborators can use the MAPL toolkit, which is provided with the GEOS-5 distribution, to make their codes ESMF compliant in a way that facilitates coupling to the GEOS-5 system.
Evolvability Goals
The GEOS-5 model components used are the GEOS5 Atmospheric General Circulation Model (AGCM), the Catchment Land Surface Model, and the integration with ocean and atmospheric assimilation systems. The extensibility goals include the coupling with ESMF/MAPL-based components from other institutions and their integration with atmospheric and oceanic analyses to form a flexible modeling and data assimilation system.
Usability Goals
At the model developer level, the MAPL toolkit provides an interface to couple future model components into the GEOS-5 system. To promote the usage of GEOS-5, collaborators are encouraged to take this toolkit from the GEOS-5 distribution and use it in their own development. At the scientific experimenter level, GEOS-5 will be executable via a workflow management tool expected to be available late CY 2008. The Modeling, Analysis and Prediction program will be basing component development on GEOS-5 and will be supporting scientific experimentation utilizing GEOS-5.
Software Packages
software is released under the terms and conditions of the NASA
Open Source Agreement (NOSA) Version 1.1 or later.
GEOS-5 Modeling Software NOSA
To download the latest version of GEOS-5 Modeling Software click here.