ECS Schema Validation tool validates an XML Document based on the BMGT Granule or Collection Schema, and generate reports listing all invalid elements
ECS metadata is stored in ODL objects and groups and imbedded in HDF-EOS metadata group as ODL textual content. Recently, we have developed both a DTD and a Schema to represent ECS HDF-EOS files using XML. The metadata portion of the HDF-EOS files is represented by separate Schemas that are based on the ECS BMGT DTD for collection level and granule level XML representation of the Metadata. Motivated by it, we developed ECS Metadata Validator to validates XML Document based on the BMGT Granule or Collection Schema, and generate reports listing all invalid elements.
ECS Metadata Validator is a user friendly tool that it validates an XML file against BMGT collection and granule schema and generates a result report. It also provides statistics on each file.
ECS Metadata Validator Project Goals
This tool was developed as a demonstration of how to work with HDF-EOS data produced by NASA’s EOS program, including the standard products of the EOS Terra, Aqua and Aura missions and other EOSDIS standard products. The development of these tools is not ongoing and this source is offered “as is” with the hope that it may be useful.
Evolvability Goals
Usability Goals
Software Packages
software is released under the terms and conditions of the NASA
Open Source Agreement (NOSA) Version 1.1 or later.
ECS Metadata Validator NOSA
ECS Metadata Validator Software Package