A library that provides uniform access to HDF-EOS 2 and 5 files through one set of API calls.
Program motivation:
- HDF-EOS 2 and 5 have similar (but not identical) APIs over very different internal architectures.
- Without this library, you have to write programs twice to cover both HDF-EOS 2 and 5.
- Which is silly, and should not be necessary
Features of program:
New code can be written to HDF-EOS 5 API, and it will work with HDF-EOS 2 files. Old code can be ported from HDF-EOS 2 to HDF-EOS 5, and it will still work with HDF-EOS 2 files.
HDF-EOS2 and HDF-EOS5 Compatibility Library Goals
This tool was developed as a demonstration of how to work with HDF-EOS data produced by NASA’s EOS program, including the standard products of the EOS Terra, Aqua and Aura missions and other EOSDIS standard products. The development of these tools is not ongoing and this source is offered “as is” with the hope that it may be useful.
Functional Goals
Evolvability Goals
Usability Goals
Software Packages
software is released under the terms and conditions of the NASA
Open Source Agreement (NOSA) Version 1.1 or later.
HDF-EOS2 and HDF-EOS5 Compatibility Library NOSA