The Java Astrodynamics Toolkit (JAT) is an open source software library of reusable software components for space mission design, trajectory optimization, and analysis of navigation, guidance and control systems.
The Java Astrodynamics Toolkit (JAT) is an open source library of reusable software components written in the Java programming language to support rapid development of spacecraft simulations including 2-D and 3-D visualization capabilities. Potential applications of JAT include:
- Analysis of spacecraft navigation, guidance and control systems
- Space mission design and analysis including trajectory optimization
- Orbit determination and orbital events generation
Java Astrodynamics Toolkit Goals
These goals are listed below.
Project Goals
Provide the NASA and the space community with an open source software library of reusable software components for space mission design, trajectory optimization, and simulation of navigation, guidance and control systems.
Functional Goals
The primary goal of this project is to provide high fidelity models and algorithms needed for simulating spacecraft that are as accurate and robust as those provided by existing commercial and government software. In addition, this project seeks to provide simple mechanisms for developing and running complex, multi-spacecraft simulations using those high fidelity models and algorithms.
Evolvability Goals
The JAT project will add capabilities and features by taking advantage of the open source software development paradigm. As users discover new applications for the JAT, they will modify or enhance the code and submit those modifications or enhancements for inclusion in future versions. The project also plans to evolve with the Java programming language so that JAT will take advantage of new features and capabilities as new versions of the Java language come out.
Software Packages
software is released under the terms and conditions of the NASA
Open Source Agreement (NOSA) Version 1.1 or later.
Java Astrodynamics Toolkit NOSA