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ODL to XML Converter

The ODL2XML is a command line java-base utility that converts an HDFEOS metadata file in ODL to an HDFEOS XML file. The tools utilizes an all-java ODL library that includes a syntax and grammer parser.

HThe odl2xml tool converts any HDF-EOS metadata file in ODL to an HDF-EOS XML file that conforms to the ECS Document Type Definitions (DTD). The tool utilizes an all-java ODL library that includes a syntax and grammar parser.

  1. Convert any collection-level ODL file to the corresponding XML.
  2. Convert any granule-level ODL file to the corresponding XML.
  3. Convert any unsorted-level ODL file to the corresponding XML.
  4. Convert any other ODL file to the corresponding XMLighlite All-Java ODL library, HDFEOS XML conversion

The All-Java ODL library including syntax and grammer parsers are benificail to those writing software that process ODL syntax in Java. The ODL2XML tool is a useful for those processing requiring interchage of data from ODL to XML.

ODL to XML converter Goals

This tool was developed as a demonstration of how to work with HDF-EOS data produced by NASA’s EOS program, including the standard products of the EOS Terra, Aqua and Aura missions and other EOSDIS standard products. The development of these tools is not ongoing and this source is offered “as is” with the hope that it may be useful.

Functional Goals


Evolvability Goals


Usability Goals


Software Packages

This software is released under the terms and conditions of the NASA Open Source Agreement (NOSA) Version 1.1 or later.
ODL to XML Converter NOSA


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  • Page Last Updated: October 24, 2019
  • Page Editor: Adil Anis
  • NASA Official: Darryl Mitchell