General EQFlux is a generalized version of the Fortran Programs EQFRUX and EQGAFLUX, the code for which is published in The Solar Cell Radiation Handbook, JPL Publication 82-69 and the GaAs Solar Cell Radiation Handbook JPL Publication 96-9.
The program requires solar cell "damage coefficients" to compute the Equivalent 1 MeV Electrons and has these built in for several multi-junction solar cells, dual junction cells, and single junction gallium arsenide and silicon solar cells.
The program requires a computer with a Windows Operating System augmented by Microsoft .Net Framework.
EQFlux Project Goals
The goal of the computer program is to make the computation of Equivalent 1 MeV Electrons easier and more accurate.
Functional Goals
Evolvability Goals
Usability Goals
Software Packages
This software is released under the terms and conditions of the NASA Open Source Agreement (NOSA) Version 1.1 or later.
EQFlux Software Package
Distribution Notes