ViSBARD is a visualization toolkit for analysis of space physics data.
ViSBARD provides a way of visualizing multiple vector and scalar quantities as measured by many spacecraft at once. the data is displayed three- dimensionally along the orbits which may be displayed either as connected lines or as points. the data display allows the rapid determination of vector configurations, correlations between many measurements at multiple points, and global relationships. Things such as vector field rotations and dozens of simulataneous variables are very difficult to see in (complementary) panel plot representations.
Project Goals
To provide space physics data analysis and access capabilities that are not currently available, enabling new research.
Functional Goals
To demonstrate the feasibility and utility of new technological methods of accessing and visualizing space physics data.
Evolvability Goals
To allow other users to add features that are unique to their research goals (via Open Source). Also to allow the comparison of simulation data against observed data- already underway.
Usability Goals
To seamlessly integrate data retrieval and visualization ~ already underway by prototype connection between Virtual Space Physics Observatory (VSPO) and ViSBARD.
Software Packages
software is released under the terms and conditions of the NASA
Open Source Agreement (NOSA) Version 1.1 or later.