GSFC conducts research and development in software and software technology as an essential response to the needs of GSFC missions. Under the GSFC Software Release policy, GFSC has several options for the release of GSFC developed software technologies. These options now include Open Source software release. This option is under the GSFC Open Source Agreement (NOSA).
NASA's primary goals in distributing software codes Open Source are:
- To accelerate NASA software development and improve the quality via community peer review
- To maximize the awareness and impact of NASA research
- To increase dissemination of NASA software in support of NASA's education mission
Project | Technologies | Category | Contact |
ACE Architecture-agnostic programming environment, based on ANSI C. |
Assembly Java | Programming environment | John Dorband |
ALIAS Multispectral image processing software for Advanced Land Imager on EO-1 satellite, including calibration, alignment, and accuracy assessments. |
Image processing | Vicki Zanoni | |
Assert-Based Unit Test Tools (UT-Assert) Provide a unit test framework and a collection of utilities that are designed to facilitate flight software unit testing. |
C | Verification Tools | David McComas |
CEOP Satellite Data Server A gateway using OPeNDAP, implemented as a plug-in to the Hyrax server, for accessing WCS data. |
OPeNDAP Hyrax | Networking | Christopher Lynnes |
Core Flight Executive (cFE) Architecture-agnostic programming environment, based on ANSI C. |
C | Programming environment | David McComas |
Core RHSEG Software Package Pre-processes images (or image-like data) into regions, allowing for more efficient data analysis for small objects within the image. |
C++ | Image processing | James Tilton |
Cost Estimation Toolkit and Comparables Database Life-cycle cost estimator for science data systems, including spreadsheet and graphical output, what-if tools, etc. |
VBA Excel | Productivity | Kathy Fontaine |
Data Quality Screening Service (DQSS) Filters Earth science satellite data based on internal quality information. |
HDF-Java Semantic Web | Data filtering | Christopher Lynnes |
ECS Metadata Validator Validates an XML document to the BMGT Granule or Collection Schema, and outputs an error report. |
XML | Data validation | Richard Ullman |
EDG Allows clients to query multiple distributed servers for Earth Observing Systems data. |
Data interchange | Robert Harberts | |
EEPROM File System (EEFS) A simple, non-block oriented file system for embedded systems. |
C Embedded Systems RTOS | Embedded Software | Alan Cudmore |
Evolutionary Mission Trajectory Generator (EMTG) Goddard's autonomous low-thrust trajectory optimization tool. EMTG is capable of designing complex low-thrust trajectories with minimal input from the user. |
C++ Python SNOPT CSPICE | Trajectory Design | Jacob Englander |
EQFLUX Algorithms |
.Net | Algorithms | Edward Gaddy |
Forecast Model Web Map Service (NFMW) Reads Earth science models and produces web pages that display the desired area, time, and elevation, using WMS (Web Map Service). |
HDF NetCDF GRIB WMS Perl IDL | Data visualization | Eric Sokolowsky |
G-SDSU Core Modules Goddard Satellite Data Simulator Unit Core Modules to support development of satellite simulators linking to cloud-resolving models, based on Fortran90 program. |
Fortran | Frameworks | Toshihisa Matsui |
General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT) Models and optimizes spacecraft trajectories (from low Earth orbit to deep space). |
Space flight | Steven Hughes | |
GEOS-5 GCM Modeling Software Earth data modelling framework. |
Data modeling | Michele Rienecker | |
GeoSocial Consumer Application Abstracts the work of interpreting the server interface, constructing workflows, and executing them by serving JavaScript executable code from each server. |
Dalia Kirschbaum | ||
Global Precipitation Mission (GPM) Visualization Tool for Validation Network Geometrically-Matched Ground- and Space-based Radar Data Displays grand- and space-based radar observations for easy comparison and validation. Inteded for meteorologists and other sciences; not end users. |
IDL | Data visualization | Mathew Schwaller |
Global Precipitation Radar (GPM) Space and Ground Radar Comparison Collects various data sets from TRMM spacecraft, re-samples it, and generates statistics. |
IDL | Data processing | Mathew Schwaller |
GMSEC API The GMSEC API provides a common interface to various middlewares using publish/subscribe and request/reply services. |
C C++ Java Perl | API | Tina Tsui |
Ground and Space Radar Volume Matching Comparison Software Compares ground- and space-based radar observations. |
Data processing | Mathew Schwaller | |
HDF-EOS2 and HDF-EOS5 Compatibility Library Provides a consistent API to both EOS-2 and EOS-5 APIs, which are slightly different. |
C | API | Richard Ullman |
HDF-EOS5 Validator Validates an XML description of an HDF-EOS file against that file. |
XML | Data validation | Richard Ullman |
HDF-EOS Metadata Updater Updates metadata inside an HDF-EOS file. |
XML | Data file manipulation | Richard Ullman |
HDF-EOS to netCDF Convertor Data conversion. |
Data conversion | Richard Ullman | |
HDF-EOS Web Server Converts HDF-EOS metadata into human-readable HTML and publishes it to a local web server (which must be pre-configured). |
XML HTML | Data conversion | Richard Ullman |
HDFEOS XML DTD and Schemas A set of DTD and schemas for HDFEOS files. |
XML | Data validation | Richard Ullman |
HDFView HDF-EOS Plug-in HDFView plug-in. Java-based viewer and editor for HDF-EOS files. |
Java | Data visualization | Dan Marinelli |
ILIADS Lunar Geospatial Information System (GIS) for analysis and visualizations of mapped lunar data. |
Java XML Jython JavaScript | Data visualization | Stephen Talabac |
IRC Framework for controlling instruments, devices, and sensors. |
Java | Frameworks | Troy Ames |
Java Astrodynamics Toolkit Package for space mission design, trajectory optimization, and analysis of onboard systems. |
Java | Simulations | David Gaylor |
Land Information System Verification Toolkit (LVT) Software tool designed to enable the evaluation, analysis and comparison of outputs generated by the Land Information System (LIS). |
Fortran 90 C ESMF GRIB NetCDF HDF | Data analysis | Christa Peters-Lidard |
Lossless Hyper/Multispectral Data Compression Software Performs lossless hyper-spectral and multi-spectral data compression. |
C | Data compression | Penshu Yeh |
Matlab-CodeV Toolkit Imports optical system and performance data from CodeV software into Matlab. |
Matlab | Data conversion | Joseph Howard |
Matlab-OSLO Toolkit Imports optical system and performance data from OSLO software into Matlab. |
Matlab | Data conversion | Joseph Howard |
Matlab-Zemax Toolkit Imports optical system and performance data from Zemax software into Matlab. |
Matlab | Data conversion | Joseph Howard |
Metadata Check Takes EOS file metadata and descriptor, and outputs a file with validation results. |
Matlab | Data validation | Richard Ullman |
MYSTRAN Provides a way to perform static and modal analysis of structures using classical FEA techniques. |
Fortran 90 | Computer Aided Engineering, Finite Element Analysis | Timothy Carnahan |
NASA Image2000 Cross-platform image processing system. |
Java XML JavaScript | Image processing | David Matusow |
obs4MIPS Converts different scientific data formats into CF-compliant netCDF standardized files, as specified by the CMIP5 project, or publication into the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF). |
Python CDMS2 CMOR | Data conversion | Denis Nadeau |
ODL to XML Converter Converts an HDF-EOS ODL metadata file into appropriate XML. Written in Java. |
XML Java | Data conversion | Richard Ullman |
Orbit Determination Toolbox Flexible way to do early mission analysis, particularly formation flying and exploration systems. |
Matlab Java | Simulations | James Carpenter |
OSAL Isolates embedded software within a real-time operating system (RTOS), providing an API to an abstract RTOS, along with implementations for several RTOS's. |
RTOS API vxWorks RTEMS | Software library | Alan Cudmore |
PARAMESH Extends serial codes, using a Cartesian mesh, into a parallel code with adaptive mesh refinement. |
Fortran | Data conversion | Peter MacNiece |
pFUnit Unit testing framework for Fortran. |
Fortran | Software development | Thomas Clune |
Requirements Tracing On Target (RETRO) Requirements tracing package. |
Software development | Jane Hayes | |
S4PM Implements a suite of science processing algorithms and scenarios. |
Perl | Data processing | Christopher Lynnes |
SeaDAS Processing, display, analysis, and QC of ocean color data. |
C Fortran | Image processing | Gene Feldman |
SPDFWS Contains a web server and SDK for SPDF software. |
SOAP Java | API | Robert Candey |
TIPSOD Displays satellite orbits, in an interactive, animated, 4D manner. Primarily a web-based Java application. |
Java | Data visualization | Robert Candey |
UFM Converts an HDF-EOS ODL file to HTML. |
C HTML | Data conversion | Richard Ullman |
VISBARD Displays multiple vector and scalar values three-dimensionally, as orbits, potentially amongst multiple spacecraft or simulations of spacecraft. |
Java | Data visualization | Ryan Boller |
Vectorization of Global Flood Monitoring System using TopoJSON Allows for the generation of vectors by reading the Global Flood Monitoring data, processing the data and generating a TopoJSON encoded file. |
Dalia Kirschbaum | ||
Worldview Interactive satellite imagery browsing and downloading tool. |
HTML JavaScript CSS | Data visualization | Ryan Boller |
XML to HDF-EOS Data conversion. |
C | Data conversion | Richard Ullman |
XML to ODL Converter Converts an XML file to an HDF-EOS ODL metadata file. |
C | Data conversion | Richard Ullman |